Thursday, June 23, 2016

Toldot Yeshu - Full Free English Translation

Today I finished my translation of Toldot Yeshu, the real Jesus narrative. This amazing midrash will shock you with the real story. It's nothing short of absolutely eye opening and astounding - and it's not very long at all (about 11.5 pages in a Word document). Enjoy! :)

Click here to read Toldot Yeshu in English


  1. Thank you very much for this!
    I will post a link if you agree, as part of my comment to absoluth truth 613. Please if possible, piost both link for Ivrit and with your translation to my blog. Thank you again.
    Orna Nitzevet

  2. How the Catholic Church Behaved During the Holocaust:

  3. Reminder from one GOOD gentile:
    "Messages From Heaven, Galia. It is on page 194. Galia's mother asks "Do you have a message for non-Jews?" Galia's reply is:
    "My dear Ima, they too are people who are valued by Hashem. They are His creations and the work of His hands. He also waits for them to return to Him and fulfill the laws in which they are obligated. All non-Jews are commanded and obligated to the Noahide Laws. They are the progeny of Noach. It's very important that they conduct themselves with fairness, honesty, righteousness and justice. Tell them that soon the world will come to its geula and consummation, and if they want to have a part of this, they have to work on themselves and improve their behavior and love the Jewish people, who are the Chosen People. Very soon, no one will have any doubts about this.""

    , mr. "Cohen"!!!

  4. i feel much sorrow for you, mr. himango, for hasatan has greatly deceived you. i weep.

  5. Hi, I know a lot of years have passed but I am very interested in reading the translation. When I clicked on the link it just said that you need to approve the download. Please can you approve it or make it available? Thanks
