It has been a while since my last blog post since I've been enjoying all of the hhagim. In light of the holidays, I'd like to take a brief look at the overview of all 7 of the DeOraita holidays. These are usually used as "proofs" by Messianics and "Hebrew Roots" Christians to the authenticity of their god's supposed miraculous birth and his claimed existence and ascension.
In fact, they are each usually referred to as "prophetic pictures" having described their god and messiah's supposed first coming and his fantasized second. In response to such an idea, I'd like to briefly refute their main points, and give the correct understanding. This post will be dedicated to Pesahh, and I'll continue with Shavu`ot, and Sukot.
Pesahh, firstly, as everyone knows, is a memorial of the exodus from Egypt. This is replayed in the exodus from every exile, in fact, since our Sages say that every exile is called "Egypt". A huge reason many of the Jewish people are often ensnared in exile, despite the fact that there is abounding persecution in each, is cultural assimilation and the idols of materialism. Cultural assimilation works in two ways. While in one way it leads to a loss in the number of Jews via intermarriage and through Jews thinking of themselves as one with the local populace, acting, talking, and dressing like them - it can also work in spreading Jewish lineage to those who are born goyim, and after a generation or two, those children often feel an arousing to return to some of their ancestors' people and religion.
This is explained by Rabi Nahhman of Uman, as I recall, having to do with Jewish souls being overpowered by the forces of the "other side", actualized by the goyim, and they end up being freed and returning to their source after some generations. This is the beauty of the idea of encouraging zera` Yisrael (that is, non Jews with some Jewish lineage or ancestors; for example, someone with only a Jewish father) to return to Judaism.
Nonetheless, Pesahh has nothing to do with Jesus. His worshipers claim him to be the "sacrifice lamb", akin to the pascal lamb, the blood on the doorposts, etc. What is quite comical is that slaughtering this lamb was a direct affront to the Egyptians, since they worshiped a lamb-god. Egyptians wouldn't kill and eat sheep or cattle, just like modern day Indians wouldn't the latter. Meaning slaughtering this lamb had to do with defamation, insult, and affront toward foreign deities, yet these people assign it to the exact opposite. Think about that for a moment.
I could go into the placing of sins upon sacrificial animal for atonement, for the Tanakhic fact that prayer is as these sacrifices. I could tie in the idea of repentance and confessing sins to HaShem as necessity in the act of repentance, etc. All of these things are known and written of, and I am fairly proficient in that knowledge. However, not many Messianics are very much. There is tons of confusion in their minds about this issue, as a result of the erroneous doctrines they are brainwashed with. I am not going to go in this topic on this particular post, but it would be a good one to write about in the future.
Pesahh truly symbolizes Jews getting out of exile, returning to the Land of Israel, rejection the way of life of the goyim, and their religions and idolatry (whether of gods or materialism). Christianity and all its forms, including Messianism, couldn't be a better example of the kind of foreign religion and idolatry. As you'll see, Messianism claims to be a fulfillment of the Tanakh, but yet is actually be the direct opposite, as in this case.
So let's see who HAS done HaShem's will and has gotten out of exile, back into the Land of Israel and have merited this return which keeps coming into fruition, continuously removing the layers of galut. Is it the Messianics, the vast, vast majority of whom live outside of Israel and most of whom are not halakhically Jewish? Or is it the Jewish people, who continue to go according to the Sages of Israel, not those who come up with their own interpretations, and who have returned to the Land of Israel in mass, established a thriving nation there, and are on their way to complete redemption? The answer is extremely obvious.
Combating Messianics.....Hmmm. What does that mean? Trying to convert them? Heaving stones at them?
ReplyDeleteThey pray to the same deity as you. Trying to reserve G-d unto to yourself? Trying to wall off the Torah to those you define as spiritually inferior?
Trying to reserve the word of G-d all to yourself?
Or do you simply claim to be all knowing?
Or perhaps a Yeshuaphobic?
Or maybe you habitually see potential friends as certain enemies.
I know I seem combative, but I'm constantly taken aback by the near hysterical Jewish identity movement, who seems to think that a Christian studying the Torah (written and or oral)is less a path to greater understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews than a backdoor attempt to destroy Jewish culture.
To be sure, there are some Christians that feel morally bound to missionize, and that Jews may well see this as a threat to their very souls.
Personally and on a biblical basis I don't believe in trying to convert Jews, or interfere with them in any way.
But it bespeaks a true lack of confidence and perhaps faith to engage in such rhetoric. It represents you poorly. Such prickliness. I presumed Jews were strong and faithful enough to be able to dismiss such Christian misadventures with a mere wave of the hand.
You consider the Messianics incorrect obviously. But your tone indicates more than simply frustration. It speaks of dislike, and disrespect for individuals. So ask yourself. Before you converted, who was it that was more than simply incorrect in your mind. Were they bad, evil people? did you dislike them so much you would never associate with them again in any way? Look inward, think hard and pray on it a bit. If you can still dislike Messianics for trying to get closer to G-d you ate some bitter fruit indeed.
ReplyDeleteYour claims about me are fake and used to invoke an emotional response. That is really weak and it shows a common tactic many Messianics use - which sometimes totally excludes any content that matters. Any sort of proofs or Tanakhic argument whatsoever. If you're not into convincing Jews that yesh"u is anything, then that is really good. I'm glad your sticking to it.
But unfortunately, if that is true, you are of no use to this blog besides your comment giving the readers who have no experience a taste of how many Messianics choose to debate, when they have nothing of substance to offer. When they have no verses to back up their claims, or can't even read those verses in Hebrew to even know what it says for themselves.
But even when they do offer some sort of "proofs", if they bring a pasuq, it is so insanely misunderstood, it takes a great deal of effort to try to get across how wrong their thinking is.
See, Steve... it is, in all honesty, like trying to explain something very intricate to a child.